Applet Game
LexZEUS Tetris 1.0 (play)
A simple tetris game if you want to start to learn Java Applet.
The code can be found at Source Code.
LexZEUS MineSweeper 1.0 (play)
A simple mine sweeper game if you want to start to learn Java Applet.
The code can be found at Source Code.
LexZEUS Pinball 1.0 (play)
With maximum of 9 ball to bounch, enjoy the challange !!!
The code can be found at Source Code.
LexZ's Game for Download
The Living Alexander's Adventure Tale v1.0 (download alexadv.zip 256kb)
This is a Role-Playing game, I only managed to draw 1 full town, 2 monsters and
3 players. The game support b/w movie, sound, editable story, map, etc.
Binus Puzzle Fighter (download puzzle.zip 256kb)
A puzzle game works like Street Fighter Puzzle II from Playstation.
Music for Download
DraculaX - Playstation (midi)
sotnbloodrelations.mid (73,810 bytes)
danceofpales.mid (43,396 bytes)
olrox.mid (17,886 bytes)
sotndra1.mid (59,446 bytes)
sotndra2.mid (74,200 bytes)
sotndra3.mid (58,256 bytes)
sotndra4.mid (36,506 bytes)
sotnpntn.mid (14,169 bytes)
sotnpain.mid (6,657 bytes)
draculax.mid (20,843 bytes)
sotnmg1.mid (124,498 bytes)
sotnmg2.mid (159,018 bytes)
nitm1.mid (16,304 bytes)
nitm2.mid (20,843 bytes)
sotnsave.mid (872 bytes)
requiem.mid (19,656 bytes)
tragic.mid (214,789 bytes)
sotnwg2.mid (48,942 bytes)
sotnwg.mid (148,199 bytes)
sotnlibr.mid (17,665 bytes)
Final Fantasy VIII - Playstation (midi)
Cool.mid (60,584 bytes)
FF8ami.mid (12,063 bytes)
FF8battle1.mid (38,405 bytes)
FF8battle2.mid (49,558 bytes)
FF8battle3.mid (42,244 bytes)
FF8battle4.mid (26,655 bytes)
FF8battle5.mid (34,683 bytes)
FF8boss.mid (55,433 bytes)
FF8boss2.mid (61,026 bytes)
FF8Breezy1.mid (3,895 bytes)
FF8Breezy2.mid (4,577 bytes)
FF8cardgame.mid (25,204 bytes)
FF8cardgame2.mid (28,755 bytes)
FF8chase.mid (41,452 bytes)
FF8dream.mid (2,613 bytes)
FF8emtower.mid (12,984 bytes)
FF8Eyes_on_me.mid (20,802 bytes)
FF8Fire_Cave.mid (50,961 bytes)
FF8Fire_cave2.mid (39,599 bytes)
FF8Fragment_of_memories.mid (9,527 bytes)
FF8gameover.mid (17,273 bytes)
FF8gameover2.mid (17,273 bytes)
FF8garden.mid (13,038 bytes)
FF8Idea.mid (16,219 bytes)
FF8Julia1.mid (8,712 bytes)
FF8Julia2.mid (4,048 bytes)
FF8Julia3.mid (4,757 bytes)
FF8Laguna1.mid (69,954 bytes)
FF8Laguna2.mid (50,665 bytes)
FF8Laguna3.mid (39,525 bytes)
FF8Last_Battle1.mid (52,912 bytes)
FF8Last_Battle2.mid (78,450 bytes)
FF8manuever.mid (24,843 bytes)
FF8My_mind.mid (9,869 bytes)
FF8ODEKA_ke_chocobo.mid (5,937 bytes)
FF8Onlya.mid (52,754 bytes)
FF8Over_world.mid (32,235 bytes)
FF8owls.mid (11,174 bytes)
FF8owls2.mid (12,899 bytes)
FF8war1.mid (42,626 bytes)
FF8war2.mid (42,276 bytes)
FF8win.mid (13,257 bytes)
FF8wound.mid (1,557 bytes)
Wild Arms - Playstation (midi)
WA_adehaido.mid (12,392 bytes)
WA_himemiko.mid (11,072 bytes)
WA_nemuri.mid (501 bytes)
WA_sesiriai.mid (2,843 bytes)
WA_tabidati.mid (18,311 bytes)
WA_bt.mid (27,352 bytes)
WA_bt55.mid (27,183 bytes)
WA_field.mid (18,473 bytes)
WA_shiro.mid (17,358 bytes)
WA_wildarms.mid (21,296 bytes)
WA_Calamity_Jane.mid (10,994 bytes)
WA_Dungeons.mid (13,823 bytes)
WA_Overworld.mid (27,941 bytes)
WA_Town_Of_Adlehyde.mid (5,603 bytes)
WA_Zed.mid (8,878 bytes)
LexZEUS Radiation !